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Family Reunion Planning

Reunion Planning

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The chairperson & Subcommittee Chairs

Just as with planning a wedding, planning a family reunion can be challenging. The best way to manage everything from travel to food to activities is by assembling a reunion planning committee headed by a chairperson.


You will need someone who can stay super organized and who has enough time, energy & eagerness to do it. This person will be responsible for breaking down tasks & responsibilities into specific subcommittees and organizing other family members to be in charge of those subcommittees.

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Family Reunion Committee

Family Reunion Planning Survey

Group of three tourist friends planning vacation with a gps phone and a map in a coffee sh

Getting A Jump On Planning - Things To Consider Well Ahead of Time!

( 1+ years)

reunion planning survey asking family members for their input regarding location, dates, volunteeringactivities, etc. can be a huge help in making very important initial decision. 


Click here for a sampling of questions you can use to make up your own planning survey.

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Family Reunion Chairperson

Family Reunion Vacations

Young adult caucasian son listening and supporting his old elderly senior father at home i

Chairperson & Subcommittee Chairs

The reunion chairperson is the COO (Chief Organizing Officer) for the entire planning stage of the event. They are the head go-to person for everything. the person selected to do this vital job must be extremely organized, with enough tine & willingness to dedicate to the task. The type & number of subcommittees needed will rely mostly on how many people are anticipated to be coming. If there are 50 or less, you may be able to combine 2 or more tasks in a subcommittee. If more than this, you will probably have to have more subcommittees, each with a more specific sets of tasks. 


A family reunion input survey, as previously mentions, can help give you a good idea of how many people might be willing to volunteer in the planning & what they might be willing to contribute to the cause.  Click here for more info of Chairpersons Responsibilities.  


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Let Us Know If You Need Help!

Family Reuion Florida Keys

 Key Colony Beach Florida   |   Marathon Florida


Questions? Give Liz a call at 954-263-2995 or leave a message

Thanks for submitting!

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